
  • Sustainable finance: it's all about transition! Part one

    06 September 2019

    In the first of this two-part series, Hervé P. Duteil explores the question of what transition finance is and identifies three revolutions within it

  • Coal utilities boosted by €16bn since Paris Agreement, say NGOs

    21 May 2019

    Eight financial institutions have given Europe's 'most polluting utilities' almost €16 billion ($17 billion) in support since the Paris Agreement was signed in December 2015, a new briefing by NGO Europe Beyond Coal has found.

  • Green bond comment, April: A return to form

    03 April 2019

    After pausing for breath in 2018, the market for green, social and sustainability bonds surged again in the first quarter of this year.

  • Green bond comment, February: Europe shows the way

    06 February 2019

    European issuers, investors and regulators are in the driving seat as the green bond market prepares for further growth, says Graham Cooper.

  • Bloomberg forms CEO supergroup to tackle climate change

    17 January 2019

    Michael Bloomberg has assembled a group of six financial sector leaders to deliver a special report to the G7 on ramping up private capital flows into climate-friendly investments.

  • Green bonds round-up, 16 January

    16 January 2019

    Italian energy company Enel has returned to the green bond market, with its third such deal, raising €1 billion ($1.1 billion).

  • Corporates converge to increase sustainable finance influence

    15 January 2019

    A group of Europe’s largest corporate issuers of green and sustainable bonds has created a forum to help ‘put business at the forefront’ of the transition to a low-carbon economy.

  • Set climate targets, power sector told by investors with $11trn in assets

    20 December 2018

    Twelve of Europe’s highest-emitting power companies have been instructed to set out Paris-aligned transition plans by a group of investors with $11.5 trillion in assets under management (AUM), as they warn of the ‘potentially catastrophic’ effects of climate change.

  • EU carbon update, 20 August 2018

    20 August 2018

    EU Allowance (EUA) prices are expected to take their lead from the power market this week, with further gains likely, says Louis Redshaw.

  • Enel Green Power prepares €280m investment in renewables in 2019

    21 May 2018

    Enel Green Power Espana (EGPE), a subsidiary of Spanish energy group Endesa, has revealed plans to splash out €280 million ($329.6 million) on building solar plants and wind farms next year.