
  • Von der Leyen wins re-election with pledge to 'stay the course' on Green Deal

    18 July 2024

    Ursula von der Leyen has won re-election as president of the European Commission, pledging to "stay the course" on the European Green Deal she helped forge in her first term at the helm and set a tough new emissions reduction target.

  • The 'horse has bolted': Challenge to CSDDD & CSRD likely to fail, say observers

    05 July 2024

    A proposal by EU parliamentarians to delay and weaken reporting requirements under landmark EU sustainability regulations has been dismissed as "political gesturing" and is likely to fail, according to observers.

  • Commission report backs climate risk buffers at banks

    05 July 2024

    Macroprudential instruments such as a system-wide climate capital buffer may be needed to help cope with the full spillover effects of climate change on banks, a report by the European Commission has argued.

  • Hub targeting €650bn raise for EU cities' transition

    27 June 2024

    An EU-backed hub has been launched to raise €650 billion towards transitioning over 100 cities to net zero, with plans to attract private capital through green bonds or local funds.

  • EU regulators pitch SFDR 'sustainability scale' and 'transition' category

    18 June 2024

    EU regulators have suggested creating a category for 'transition investment' and a scale by which the relative sustainability of investments can be judged in an opinion on the review of the EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation.

  • Regulating transition plans

    04 June 2024

    A patchwork of regulations will soon ask financial institutions to publish and implement climate transition plans, Michael Hurley reports

  • EU green and sustainable discussion enters 'more complex' cost debate

    24 May 2024

    A senior European Commission official said the debate on the EU Green Deal and sustainable finance is entering a "more complex" phase over its next five-year mandate as attention turns to cost and making the existing framework more market-friendly.

  • Majority in favour of universal SFDR disclosures, creation of 'transition' category

    07 May 2024

    Respondents to a European Commission consultation on the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) indicated a preference for extending sustainability disclosure requirements to all financial products and introducing a system for categorising investment funds that would include a 'transition' category.

  • EU investigates how to mobilise private capital for low- and middle-income countries

    01 May 2024
  • EU Commission puts call out for natural capital and circular experts

    30 April 2024