
  • EU regulators pitch SFDR 'sustainability scale' and 'transition' category

    18 June 2024

    EU regulators have suggested creating a category for 'transition investment' and a scale by which the relative sustainability of investments can be judged in an opinion on the review of the EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation.

  • European regulators make recommendations in greenwashing reports

    04 June 2024

    The EU's three principal financial services regulators have called for enhanced supervision and improved market practice on sustainability-related claims in new reports on greenwashing in the financial sector.

  • EU pension fund investments are 4.5% aligned with taxonomy, EIOPA says

    18 March 2024
  • Regulators open consultation on free EU database

    08 January 2024
  • EIOPA proposes capital charges on fossil fuel assets

    13 December 2023

    Fossil fuel-related stocks and bonds pose higher market risks to insurers that could be mitigated via additional capital charges on these assets, the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) has suggested.

  • EIOPA proposes four principles to prevent greenwashing in insurance

    12 December 2023

    The European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) has today opened a consultation on its draft opinion on sustainability claims and greenwashing.

  • Financial institution SFDR reports fail to explain adverse impacts, regulators say

    28 September 2023

    Financial institutions need to improve how they explain why they do not consider the adverse impacts of their investment decisions, EU regulators have said.

  • Insured losses would increase 200% in worst climate scenario, EIOPA warns

    23 June 2023
  • 30% of insurers' investments highly dependent on nature, EIOPA says

    23 June 2023

    About 30% of Eurozone insurers' investments are highly dependent on nature, according to analysis of about €2.3 trillion ($2.5 trillion) of insurers' investments in corporate bonds and equity.

  • Eiopa launches free app to help with physical climate risk modelling

    17 May 2023

    The European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (Eiopa) has launched free software in a bid to help bring climate and natural catastrophe modelling to a wider range of users.