
  • ESMA: Enhance transition finance to prevent greenwashing

    02 June 2023

    The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has recommended that the EU consider sharpening up recognition of 'transition' finance and better align legislative use of what constitutes 'significant harm' in order to prevent 'greenwashing'.

  • ESG ratings 'should link to EU taxonomy'

    19 May 2023
  • The fog of SFDR

    03 March 2023

    Fund managers will have to wait for clarity on the EU's landmark disclosures regime, Michael Hurley writes

  • ESMA fund names risk repeating SFDR chaos, warns investment group

    14 February 2023

    Guidelines on the sustainability terminology that can be used in EU fund names risk re-running the confusion that surrounded the bloc's disclosure regime for funds, an investment group warned.

  • EIOPA welcomes growing 'convergence' of ISSB and EU standards

    27 January 2023

    EIOPA has welcomed what it called a convergence of the definition of financial materiality in EU and international sustainability standards.

  • Q&A: IOSCO and the carbon markets

    02 December 2022

    Rostin Behnam and Verena Ross answer questions about why it has issued two reports on the carbon markets

  • Sustainable finance regulation 'needs to focus on transition'

    01 December 2022

    Transforming financial regulation so it encourages decarbonisation objectives, rather than concentrating only on the 'greenest' activities, must become the focus of regulators, an Environmental Finance webinar heard.

  • ESMA, ISS ESG to discuss the future of sustainable finance regulation

    29 November 2022

    The ways in which sustainable finance regulation can evolve to help investors more efficiently channel investments to support the transition to net zero is to be discussed on an Environmental Finance webinar.

  • ESMA offers 'backdoor' solution to SFDR fund labelling misuse

    23 November 2022

    A major reclassification of self-labelled 'sustainable' funds is likely after ESMA proposes necessary - but complicating - naming guidelines, Anne Schoemaker tells Ahren Lester

  • ESMA ESG fund naming guidelines are 'significant step'

    21 November 2022

    The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has opened a consultation on proposed environmental, social and governance (ESG) investment fund naming guidelines...