
  • Industry groups warn of 'damaging' ETS intervention from lawmakers

    16 February 2022

    A group of 10 industry bodies has warned that the European Commission may be considering "damaging interventions" in the EU's carbon market, including introducing position limits or restricting trading by financial institutions.

  • Scenario analysis of funds in 'ambitious' EU regulator workplan

    11 February 2022

    The EU's securities markets regulator has laid out a wide-ranging workplan for the next two years that covers efforts to tackle greenwashing, perform climate scenario analysis of investment funds, and work on a potential label for sustainability-linked loans.

  • Corporate lobby 'likely' to challenge EU ESG ratings regulation

    09 February 2022

    Corporate lobbyists' apparent success in influencing EU taxonomy negotiations could now see their attention turn to challenging potential regulation of ESG ratings, an expert has warned.

  • ESMA calls for evidence ahead of ESG ratings regulation

    04 February 2022

    The EU's securities markets regulator has asked for evidence on ESG ratings providers, as it considers rules to govern the booming market.

  • Regulator sees challenges in EU green bond proposal

    01 February 2022

    The regulator set to be asked to oversee external reviewers of green bond frameworks for the EU Green Bond Standard has identified "possible challenges" with the draft rules, including the timeline for introducing the measures and allowing non-EU reviewers to become accredited.

  • IOSCO outlines 'milestone' ESG rating and data oversight recommendations

    23 November 2021

    IOSCO has provided recommendations for securities regulators to strengthen their oversight of ESG ratings and data providers after "several areas of concern" were identified by market participants.

  • No proof yet of EU carbon market abuse, ESMA says

    19 November 2021

    There is not yet strong evidence to suggest the EU carbon market is being abused by speculators, a report by the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) says.

  • EU climate benchmarks 'de facto mandatory' for Article 9 funds

    09 August 2021

    The EU Paris-aligned and Climate Transition (PACT) benchmarks have been effectively made mandatory for investment funds to be judged among the most sustainable under the EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR).

  • French and Dutch watchdogs propose EU regulation of ESG data firms

    16 December 2020
  • EU 'brown' taxonomy proposals split financial sector

    07 December 2020