
  • New food index finds most meat and fish companies are of ‘high risk’

    30 May 2018

    More than half of meat and fish companies are of ‘high risk’, according to the first index for global food companies launched by the $5.9 trillion investor network FAIRR.

  • US food companies must do more to prevent 'antibiotics apocalypse'

    01 December 2017

    Investors are beginning to wake up to the dangers posed by antibiotic immunity, argues Maria Lettini

  • China at a farming crossroads in the Year Of The Rooster

    16 February 2017

    China's agricultural census this year and the country's drive to improve its environmental practices mean its food production is at a crossroads, argues Maria Lettini

  • Turning factory farming risks into investment opportunities

    14 March 2016

    Factory farming needs to change as part of the transition to a low-carbon economy, presenting risks and opportunities for investors, argues Alan Briefel