
  • Investors voice 'deep concern' at UK listing rule change that removes voting rights

    11 July 2024

    Investors have voiced "deep concern" at changes to UK listing rules they say threaten the country's position as a leading light on corporate governance and will not deliver the benefits that are claimed.

  • Stringency sees enthusiasm wane for UK sustainability labels

    09 July 2024

    The perceived stringency of the UK sustainability labelling regime has seen initial enthusiasm wane and the number of applicants dwindle, according to Morningstar Sustainalytics.

  • Listing rules change will raise cost of capital for UK business, asset owners warn

    21 June 2024
  • UK's FCA investigating climate-related misconduct

    20 June 2024
  • EU readies greenwashing reports as UK rules bite

    23 May 2024

    Financial institutions in the UK rushing to meet a tight deadline to comply with new anti-greenwashing rules are also bracing for news of potential next steps to regulate activity in the EU, with reports from regulators due in coming days.

  • UK FCA calls for voluntary adoption of ISSB, as it confirms delay to consultation

    23 May 2024
  • Investment Association publishes UK SDR implementation guide

    10 May 2024
  • FCA confirms start date for anti-greenwashing rule

    23 April 2024

    Financial services companies in the UK will be bound by anti-greenwashing rules from June, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) confirmed as it issued further guidance.

  • 'Regulators could follow TCFD example' by making TPT mandatory

    11 April 2024

    Guidance on 'gold standard' climate transition plans could be implemented in UK regulation, following the example of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), according to a senior lawyer.

  • UK risks undermining its reputation without deriving IPO benefits, NBIM warns

    03 April 2024

    Proposals to lower corporate governance requirements risk undermining the UK's reputation for investor standards - and may not even help it attract new listings, according to Norges Bank Investment Management (NBIM).