
  • Regulating ESG ratings: Mission impossible?

    02 February 2024

    As regulators around the world seek to define good practice for ESG raters, they are discovering the complexities of doing so, writes Michael Hurley

  • IOSCO should oversee ESG data and ratings principles for regulators, S&P suggests

    31 January 2024

    The International Organisation for Securities Commissions (IOSCO) should develop a centralised set of principles for good conduct by ESG data and ratings providers, a senior executive at S&P has recommended.

  • FCA appoints two pension funds managers as co-chairs of voting group

    24 January 2024
  • Fund managers face SDR challenge to define 'sustainable', law firm says

    23 January 2024

    Fund managers looking to adhere to the UK's forthcoming fund labelling and disclosure regime are to face a significant "subjectivity-related challenge" in determining what qualifies as sustainable, according to law firm Pinsent Masons.

  • UK FCA establishes sustainable finance advisor working group

    16 January 2024
  • Funds with about £110bn in AUM to opt for UK FCA labels, Morningstar estimates

    09 January 2024

    About 300 investment funds, which collectively manage about £110 billion ($140 billion), are set to adopt new UK sustainability fund labels this year, according to estimates by Morningstar.

  • Barclays: UK 'Sustainability Improvers' fund label risks being 'catch-all'

    04 January 2024

    The 'Sustainability Improvers' label under the UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) voluntary fund labelling rules risks being a "catch-all" investment category, warned Barclays.

  • 2024 outlook: Sand in the gears of sustainable finance policy

    03 January 2024

    Looming elections and burgeoning disclosure regimes point to a slowdown in sustainable finance policymaking, but the spectre of fines for greenwashing is on the rise, Michael Hurley writes

  • UK presses ahead with listing reform, despite investors' corporate governance warnings

    20 December 2023

    Fresh proposals to overhaul UK listing rules show "little sign that widely held and clearly communicated investor concerns about weakening corporate governance standards have been taken into account," one of the country's largest pension funds has warned.

  • ICMA publishes ESG ratings and data code of conduct

    14 December 2023

    The International Capital Market Association (ICMA) has published a voluntary 'code of conduct' for ESG ratings and data products.