
  • Green investor group hails Equinor climate resolution progress

    15 May 2020

    Support for a shareholder resolution demanding Norwegian oil company Equinor to set carbon intensity targets more than doubled, but majority owner, the state of Norway, kiboshed the proposal.

  • Oil majors accused of using CA100+ as 'fig leaf' to disguise inaction

    11 May 2020

    Oil supermajors have been accused of using joint statements with investor initiative Climate Action 100+ (CA100+) as a means to disguise limited action on emissions reductions.

  • Shell strengthens climate ambitions after investor pressure

    16 April 2020

    Royal Dutch Shell has strengthened its climate change ambitions in order to help meet global 2050 greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction targets, but campaigners remain unconvinced that the proposals go far enough.

  • Total faces shareholder resolution to reduce carbon emissions

    16 April 2020

    A group of 11 investors have filed a shareholder resolution at Total, calling on the oil major to set carbon emission reduction targets in line with the Paris Agreement.

  • BP climate change resolution passes with 99% support

    22 May 2019

    A shareholder resolution calling on BP to prepare a business strategy consistent with the 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change secured 99.14% of votes at the oil giant's annual general meeting.

  • Aegon supports Follow This climate resolutions

    13 May 2019

    Dutch insurer Aegon has announced its support for nine climate resolutions at four major oil firms' annual general meetings (AGMs).

  • Equinor bows to investor pressure of Climate Action 100+

    25 April 2019

    Equinor has become the latest oil and gas company to bow to investor pressure to strengthen its climate targets.

  • Shell lighting low-carbon path for oil & gas sector, says Church of England

    09 April 2019

    Oil and gas major Shell is “leading the way” in its sector as it plans for the transition to a low-carbon economy, according to the Church of England Pensions Board.

  • BP to support CA100+ shareholder resolution

    01 February 2019

    Oil and gas giant BP is set to broaden its corporate reporting to describe how its strategy is consistent with the goals of the Paris Agreement, after it committed to supporting a Climate Action 100+ (CA100+) shareholder resolution.

  • World's top insurers stalling on climate change drive

    25 May 2018

    While insurers are increasingly aware of environmental risks which might impact both sides of their balance sheet, new research has found that their investment strategies are not in line with the Paris Agreement. The research was published the same week Royal Dutch Shell held its AGM and shareholders, including some large insurers, were asked to vote on a climate resolution. Did they stand up to the test? Paul Walsh and Vincent Huck report