
  • Border to Coast, Royal London AM list banking sector just transition expectations

    30 May 2024
  • People Moves 28 October: Japan FSA, NGFS, Alpha Real Capital ... and more

    28 October 2022
  • 'Come on in, the water is fine' in impact, investor tells charities

    25 August 2022

    The Friends Provident Foundation (FPF) has pledged to almost triple its investments in Snowball's impact fund, in a call for capitalised charities to switch from grant-making to impact investing.

  • Sainsbury's living wage vote 'breaks new ground'

    08 July 2022

    A resolution for UK supermarket Sainsbury's to extend the living wage to indirectly employed staff received 17% support from shareholders...

  • Coal terminal developer issues 'ridiculous' sustainability-linked bond

    19 January 2022

    An Indian port operator developing a coal terminal has sparked controversy after it raised $400 million from its debut sustainability-linked bond.

  • 'Post-growth' investing could succeed unsustainable ESG strategies - ShareAction report

    23 March 2021

    'Sustainable' investment approaches are merely a "continuation of unsustainable investment" practices insofar as they are built on the economic imperative of growth at a cost to society, according to a report by ShareAction and a group of UK charitable investors.

  • SSE bows to investor pressure to publish first Just Transition strategy

    19 November 2020

    Energy utility SSE has published what it says is the first company Just Transition plan, following pressure from investors to spell out how it plans to support employees, consumers and its supply chain as it cuts its emissions to net zero by 2050.

  • Oil majors accused of using CA100+ as 'fig leaf' to disguise inaction

    11 May 2020

    Oil supermajors have been accused of using joint statements with investor initiative Climate Action 100+ (CA100+) as a means to disguise limited action on emissions reductions.

  • Investors ask Drax for clarity on Just Transition plans

    30 March 2020

    Aviva, BMO and the Church of England Pensions Board are among investors that have asked Drax to more clearly demonstrate how it will support its workers in the energy transition, Environmental Finance can reveal.