
  • 'Loose' EFRAG transition plan guidance permits greenwashing, NGOs argue

    02 December 2024
  • Over 100 organisations demand stop to financing of industrial livestock farming

    12 September 2024

    A letter signed by 105 civil organisations has demanded that US banks halt financing of industrial livestock production for its role in fuelling climate change.

  • ING hit by climate-related legal threat by NGO behind Shell court case

    22 January 2024

    ING has been threatened with legal action by an NGO if the bank does not commit within the next two months to halve its absolute greenhouse gas emissions by 2030.

  • Japan's largest banks hit by shareholder climate action

    12 April 2023

    Japan's six largest banks and energy companies have been hit by shareholder calls to disclose decarbonisation plans, over concerns that fossil fuel expansion will result in stranded assets.

  • BNP Paribas sued over fossil fuel funding, in 'first of many' banking lawsuits

    23 February 2023

    Three French NGOs are taking BNP Paribas to court, in a "historic" lawsuit alleging that it has avoided legal obligations to stop financing the expansion of fossil fuels.

  • Court orders UK to publish more detailed 'net zero' strategy

    19 July 2022

    The UK High Court has ordered the UK government to provide a "fresh" report on its 2050 'net zero' strategy, in a 'landmark' ruling which judged not enough information was provided to ascertain whether interim targets would be met.

  • Activists file climate resolutions at Japanese companies

    13 April 2022
  • Activists behind Shell court order focus on financial firms

    13 January 2022

    One of the activist organisations behind the successful climate court case against Royal Dutch Shell have called for 29 other companies including several financial firms to reduce their emissions.

  • Export credit agencies, governments could face fossil fuel financing legal challenge

    04 May 2021

    Export credit agencies (ECAs) and the governments that control them could face legal action if they do not take action to reduce the level of fossil fuel-related financing they undertake, according to a legal opinion provided by two lawyers.

  • German court backs 'globally remarkable' climate law complaint

    30 April 2021

    The German Federal Constitutional Court has decided that the 2019 climate change act violated the freedoms of the young complainants by offloading the majority of the carbon emissions reductions to after 2030, in a decision described as "globally remarkable new standard for climate protection as a human right"