
  • Norway's sovereign wealth fund divests 58 companies on environmental grounds

    11 March 2016

    Norway's giant sovereign wealth fund divested from 58 companies last year because they were deemed to pose environmental risks.

  • Southern Power Co plans $750m green bond

    13 November 2015

    Southern Power Company is marketing a $750 million green bond, in a transaction set to make it the first US-based utility to tap the market.

  • Politicians add to calls for a price on carbon emissions

    20 October 2015

    Leading politicians have come together to support calls for a price on carbon emissions, ahead of the UN's climate change talks in Paris in December.

  • Growing the corporate green bond market

    16 October 2015

    The enormous potential of companies to tap the green bond market has yet to be realised. Sophie Robinson-Tillett asks why

  • Barclays and MSCI launch review of green bond index rules

    21 July 2015

    Barclays and MSCI are calling on players in the green bond market to give their views on the companies' green bond index.

  • Engie buys Solairedirect to become France's biggest solar firm

    01 July 2015

    Utility Engie has ramped up its solar operations with the acquisition of Solairedirect.

  • Business coalition calls for zero emissions 'well before end of century'

    08 June 2015

    A coalition of businesses and NGOs has written an open letter calling for world leaders to back an ambitious "zero emissions" policy at the UN Climate Change Conference in Paris (COP21) in December.

  • Carbon Tracker report warns utilities of coal death spiral

    05 June 2015

    The Carbon Tracker Initiative (CTI) has fired another shot across the bows of the coal sector, in a report that warns the utilities reliant on the commodity are trapped in a "death spiral".

  • Green bond market "to grow by $100bn this year", after smashing records in 2014

    14 January 2015

    The green bond market more than tripled in 2014, according to figures from the Climate Bonds Iniative (CBI), which has maintained its prediction that it will see a further $100 billion of issues this year.

  • A review of the green bond market in 2014

    18 December 2014

    The green bond market trebled in size in 2014 - but who were the big winners and can the breakneck speed of expansion continue, asks Peter Cripps