
  • French insurers’ climate-related disclosures mostly ‘difficult to understand’, says WWF

    26 November 2018

    French insurers' climate-related disclosures have improved, but the information is still often inaccessible and difficult to understand, according to research by WWF France.

  • Hannover Re defends coal investing

    12 November 2018

    Reply to criticism comes on heels of Vienna Insurance Group's own defence

  • Generali and VIG accused of insuring Czech coal power plant

    05 November 2018

    Campaign group Unfriend Coal claims insurance deal 'undermines climate change action'

  • Generali to acquire French asset manager Sycomore

    07 September 2018

    Italian insurance group Assicurazioni Generali has entered into exclusive negotiations to acquire a majority stake in French asset manager Sycomore.

  • The green and sustainability loan market: ready for take-off

    20 July 2018

    Green and sustainability loans are the hot new trend in sustainable finance. Could they outgrow the booming green bond market, ask Nick Roumpis and Peter Cripps.

  • Hannover Re is latest insurer to 'exit coal'

    20 June 2018

    Hannover Re is set to become the latest reinsurer to sell some of its coal-related investments.

  • Thimann leaves Axa for Athora in Germany

    11 June 2018

    Christian Thimann, a leading figure in several sustainable finance initiatives, has joined Bermuda-based insurance company Athora, after four and a half years in senior roles at Axa Group.

  • Royal DSM raises €1bn in 'green loan'

    30 May 2018

    Dutch chemicals firm Royal DSM has signed a €1 billion ($1.2 billion) revolving credit facility that links its cost of borrowing with greenhouse gas (GHG) targets.

  • Generali links credit facilities with ESG factors

    25 May 2018

    Generali has introduced environmental, social and governance (ESG) features into its revolving credit facilities, in the latest example of these so-called non-financial factors being incorporated into loans.

  • The beginning of the end for coal investment and underwriting

    30 April 2018

    Insurers have made efforts to disengage themselves from the coal industry on both sides of the balance sheet, but climate activists say they could do more. Cintia Cheong and Nick Roumpis examine the latest developments