
  • Global Canopy takes aim at asset manager role in deforestation

    08 December 2022
  • First TNFD pilot reveals need for 'clarity' in several areas

    27 July 2022
  • Pension funds have 'unique' relationship with deforestation

    12 July 2022

    A guide on how pension funds can tackle deforestation, inspired by their association with asset managers, has been launched by Global Canopy, Make My Money Matter and SYSTEMIQ.

  • Investor group expects slow fight against deforestation

    01 July 2022

    A representative of a group of investors with $8.5 trillion in assets has said change on deforestation is happening slowly.

  • Global Canopy joins Afi steering group

    21 April 2022
  • £300bn of UK pensions assets linked to deforestation

    23 February 2022

    £306 billion ($416 billion) of UK pensions is invested in companies linked to deforestation, according to analysis by non-profits.

  • $2.6trn of financing omits deforestation policies

    13 January 2022

    Companies with the greatest exposure to deforestation have been given $2.6 trillion of financing that is not covered by a deforestation policy,...

  • Financial firms back deforestation data initiative

    11 August 2021

    A working group of investors and banks are supporting an initiative to improve the data on corporate deforestation through supply chains

  • News round-up: Natural capital, Susi Partners, PRI and more

    26 May 2021
  • Natural Capital Finance Alliance extends ENCORE tool to measure biodiversity

    26 May 2021