
  • National plans for 2030 carbon emissions are too weak, warn academics

    25 August 2015

    The national carbon reduction pledges announced ahead of the Paris climate summit are insufficient to keep global warming to safe levels by 2030, UK academics have warned.

  • New financing tools required for CCS, say analysts

    18 June 2015

    A range of new financing mechanisms will be required to stimulate widespread deployment of carbon capture and storage (CCS) in Europe, according to UK researchers.

  • People moves

    22 May 2015

    Recent appointments in the environmental finance space, including Alexandra Ergon at Calvert, Nikolas Novograd at RET Capital and Mamadou-Abou Sarr at PRI

  • Delaying MSR to 2021 risks 'lost decade' for cleantech investment

    18 February 2015

    Introducing the Market Stability Reserve (MSR) into the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) in 2021, as proposed by the European Commission, "risks undermining investment in clean technology," according to international researchers.

  • Stranded assets alert

    17 June 2013

    Nicholas Stern has warned that many oil and gas and mining companies may be overvalued, in a 'bubble' that would threaten the security of global financial markets. Peter Cripps and Katie Kouchakji report