
  • 26 firms commit to biodiversity impact and disclosure pledge

    25 September 2020

    A pledge to set targets and reporting on biodiversity, and pressure world leaders to reverse nature loss has been signed by 26 financial firms managing over €3 trillion ($3.5 trillion) in assets, including Axa, HSBC Global Asset Management and Robeco.

  • Climate stocks shine in year of Covid-19, says HSBC

    24 September 2020

    Companies that earn revenues by providing climate solutions have consistently outperformed in a year marked by the coronavirus pandemic, according to research from HSBC.

  • Novartis issues first Sustainability-linked Bond with social targets

    17 September 2020

    Swiss pharmaceutical company Novartis has issued a €1.85 billion ($2.2 billion) sustainability-linked bond (SLB) - the first SLB to incorporate social targets.

  • Net zero transition to cost $1-2tn a year, say energy companies

    16 September 2020

    Achieving net-zero emissions worldwide by 2050 will cost $1-2 trillion a year, around 1.5% of global GDP, according to a report from coalition The Energy Transitions Commission (ETC).

  • EU targets €225bn green bond issuance amid strengthened climate push

    16 September 2020

    The EU said it intends to raise 30% of its €750 billion ($890 billion) Next Generation EU (NGEU) recovery fund through the issuance of green bonds, as it boosted its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions target for 2030.

  • Potential EU green bond issuance faces three obstacles - HSBC

    15 September 2020

    Three hurdles stand in the way of the European Union if it wishes to issue its own green bonds as part of its agreed €750 billion ($892 billion) Covid-19 recovery plan, according to HSBC.

  • Green and sustainability-linked loan round-up: Ghana and Hongkong Land

    02 September 2020
  • HSBC and Pollination form 'world's largest natural capital manager'

    26 August 2020

    HSBC Global Asset Management and investment firm Pollination Group have entered into a joint venture agreement to establish HSBC Pollination Climate Asset Management.

  • BHP increases climate pressure on industry associations

    17 August 2020

    Anglo-Australian mining giant BHP has enhanced its policy towards industry associations as it looks to ensure its climate lobbying aligns with the Paris Agreement.

  • UniCredit plans 2028 coal sector exit in updated policy

    10 August 2020

    UniCredit has taken a harder line against thermal coal, pledging to stop financing its mining or burning entirely by 2028, as the exodus from the carbon-intensive fuel by global lenders continues.