
  • BoA, UBS in, but HSBC out of sustainability index

    12 September 2013

    Bank of America, UBS and United Parcel Service are the largest of 39 companies admitted to the Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes (DJSI), following an annual review of constituents carried out by sustainable investment specialist RobecoSAM.

  • Turning trash into cash

    19 August 2013

    Investment in waste-to-energy projects has been stifled by perceived risks. But there are signs that the maturing sector is starting to become increasingly attractive. Elza Holmstedt Pell reports

  • Middle Eastern promise

    01 August 2013

    The Middle East is poised to become a hotspot of renewables activity over the next few decades. Graham Cooper outlines which countries and sectors hold the most promise for investors.

  • Methane deal 'could be next' for US-China talks

    29 July 2013

    Cutting methane emissions could be next on the agenda for the US and China, amid signs that the "two carbon elephants" are increasingly cooperating to tackle climate change, according to a report.

  • Gamesa returns to profit, but analyst warns of weaker H2

    24 July 2013

    Wind turbine manufacturer Gamesa has returned to the black and posted its highest quarterly profit margin since 2009, but could see weaker results in the second half of the year, an analyst has warned.

  • Investor confidence rising in wind sector – bank

    25 June 2013

    Investor confidence in wind turbine manufacturers will continue to grow in the second half of 2013, a leading bank has forecast.

  • Reasons for hope?

    24 June 2013

    On the face of it, there's plenty to be pessimistic about in the environmental markets at the moment.

  • Stranded assets alert

    17 June 2013

    Nicholas Stern has warned that many oil and gas and mining companies may be overvalued, in a 'bubble' that would threaten the security of global financial markets. Peter Cripps and Katie Kouchakji report

  • Energy efficiency stocks outperform in HSBC index

    14 June 2013

    Energy efficiency stocks have led the way in the HSBC's Climate Change Index in the first half of this year, driven by companies in North America – a trend the bank expects to continue.

  • Green bond issuance up by a quarter - report

    14 June 2013

    The value of green bonds issued rose 25% in 2012 compared with the previous year, according to a report that expects the market to continue scaling up.