
  • UK standards setter publishes sustainable finance guide

    22 January 2020

    The UK's national standards body has published draft recommendations for integrating sustainability considerations into investment management.

  • People moves, 27 December: AIIB, J O Hambro, LuxSE

    27 December 2019

    The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) has appointed Andrew Cross as its chief financial officer.

  • People Moves 20 December

    20 December 2019
  • Major investors call on EU leaders to urgently pass net-zero GHG target

    06 December 2019

    A group of 44 major global investors managing €6 trillion ($6.6 billion) in assets called on European leaders to urgently pass a net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions target.

  • Hermes, Federated and UBS launch SDG credit funds

    26 September 2019

    Hermes Investment Management, Federated Investors and UBS have launched a range of credit funds targeting the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

  • BlackRock and CPPIB back stewardship code for long-term investors

    02 July 2019

    FCLTGlobal, a non-profit organisation led by institutional investors including the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB) and BlackRock, has released new guidelines that aim to help asset managers become better long-term investors.

  • ESG ratings reflected in sovereign credit spreads, says Hermes

    01 July 2019

    Countries that rate highly on environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria benefit from tighter credit default swap (CDS) spreads than those with lower ESG ratings, a study has found.

  • EXCLUSIVE: EU's TEG broadens taxonomy to include 'transition' activities

    31 May 2019

    The EU's Technical Expert Group on Sustainable Finance (TEG) has broadened the scope of its taxonomy to include activities that help transition to a net-zero economy by 2050, in a move that opens the door to some fossil fuels and internal combustion engines, Environmental Finance has learned.

  • Oil firms unattractive without climate targets, say fund managers

    30 April 2019

    Oil companies will no longer appeal to investors unless they adopt business models that support the Paris climate targets, says a report by the UK Sustainable Investment and Finance Association (UKSIF) and the Climate Change Collaboration, a group of charitable trusts.

  • 'Varying understanding' of SDGs across the globe, says Hermes

    23 April 2019

    The need to be more socially conscious is on the rise across the globe, but driving forces vary between countries, according to Hermes Investment Management.