
  • Hermes IM launches carbon risk assessment tool

    21 June 2018

    Hermes fund managers will be able to assess portfolio carbon risk more effectively with the launch of a data analysis tool, according to the investment manager.

  • UBS goes green in Asia with new portfolio

    10 April 2018

    UBS has launched what it claims to be the first Asian portfolio to solely invest in stocks and bonds with a good sustainability record.

  • Hermes spearheads Climate Action 100+ engagements with VW, Siemens

    23 February 2018

    Hermes Equity Ownership Services (EOS) is to pressure Volkswagen to increase its climate-related dialogue with shareholders as it spearheads a pair of Climate Action 100+ engagements.

  • Actiam joins IIGCC

    22 February 2018

    Dutch asset manager Actiam has joined the Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change (IIGCC).

  • 50 names to be added to Climate Action 100+ engagement hit list

    21 February 2018

    50 more corporates are to be added to the $28 trillion Climate Action 100+ initiative's list of targets for climate-related engagement.

  • 89% of PRI signatories have dialogue on ESG issues

    20 February 2018

    89% of signatories to the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) report some kind of engagement on environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues, reflecting the growth of 'active ownership'.

  • CalSTRS selects eight ESG asset managers and could commit up to $1bn

    05 February 2018

    The California State Teachers' Retirement System (CalSTRS) pension fund has selected eight environmental, social and governance (ESG)-focused asset managers.

  • 'Investment-grade' carbon pricing for power sector launched

    25 May 2017

    CDP – formerly known as Carbon Disclosure Project – and low-carbon business coalition We Mean Business have partnered to create an "investment-grade" carbon pricing range for the power sector.

  • ESG is correlated to performance in fixed income, study finds

    19 April 2017

    There is a clear correlation between environmental, social and governance data and credit default swap spreads and credit ratings, research has found, although neither fully price-in the risks implied by this data.

  • Introducing the Principles for Positive Impact Finance

    19 April 2017

    The Principles have been designed to help meet the ambitious Sustainable Development Goals. But how will they be implemented? Peter Cripps reports