
  • 'Double materiality' splits market in IFRS sustainability standards consultation

    07 January 2021
  • Impact: Six areas to watch in 2021

    07 January 2021

    A legal framework for impact, harmonisation of reporting frameworks and the rise of impact indexes could shape 2021, writes Michael Hurley

  • IFRS 'should use TCFD' as basis for reporting standards, says FSB

    24 December 2020

    The IFRS Foundation's proposal to devise international sustainability reporting standards should be underpinned by the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), the Financial Stability Board (FSB) has said.

  • IFRS sustainability standards could create 'additional fragmentation'

    23 December 2020

    The IFRS Foundation has been warned that if it does not support the work of existing standard setters, its proposals to develop consolidated international sustainability reporting standards could lead to "additional fragmentation in an already crowded ecosystem".

  • International sustainability standards 'should incorporate SDGs'

    18 December 2020

    Efforts to develop international sustainability reporting standards should use the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) "as an underlying anchor", according to the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA).

  • Carney: AGMs could give investors 'say on transition plans'

    26 November 2020

    Mark Carney has suggested investors could be given an automatic advisory vote on companies' net-zero transition plans, similar to 'say on pay' shareholder rights to vote on executive remuneration.

  • SASB and IIRC merge to help simplify reporting

    26 November 2020

    The Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) and the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) are to come together to form a new organisation, the Value Reporting Foundation.

  • UK endorses IFRS proposals to develop global sustainability standards

    11 November 2020

    The UK government has endorsed the publication of the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) consultation on a global approach to sustainability reporting, and the potential establishment of a Sustainability Standards Board.

  • BlackRock backs creation of IFRS sustainability standards board

    04 November 2020

    A proposal that would see the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Foundation establish a sustainability standards board and become a global sustainability standards-setter has received the backing of the world's largest asset manager.

  • IASB clarifies climate expectations as Big Four face investor scrutiny

    29 November 2019

    The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) has clarified its expectations on disclosure of climate-related risks, as it emerged that a group of investors had pressured the Big Four accounting firms to focus more on climate.