
  • How to help the green bond market grow

    13 May 2015

    The market needs to embrace general purpose bonds from 'pureplay' green companies, as well as allowing non-clean companies to issue green bonds if they are in transition to a greener business model, argues Ulrik Ross

  • Sustainability accounting project approaches key milestone

    12 May 2015

    Non-financial accounting standards for all major industrial sectors should be available within 12 months, said the California-based Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB).

  • ING measures its sustainable lending

    08 May 2015

    The Dutch bank believes assessing the sustainability credentials of its corporate loan book could help it outperform in the long-term. Peter Cripps reports

  • ETS reform could see carbon price treble by 2020, say analysts

    06 May 2015

    The price of EU emission allowances (EUAs) could rise to more than €20 ($22.5) by 2020 from their current level of about €7.5, as a result of an agreement to curb the excess supply of allowances, analysts said.

  • Shale firms set for hard times in 2016 as oil hedges mature

    06 May 2015

    Shale companies could feel the full force of the oil price slump next year as their hedges expire, according to the Carbon Tracker Initiative (CTI).

  • Goldman eyes major stake in Asia's 'first yieldco'

    29 April 2015

    Goldman Sachs has bought convertible notes entitling it to a 45% stake in what is believed to be Asia's first yieldco.

  • Investors are committed to renewables, despite low oil price, says HSBC

    28 April 2015

    Investor interest in renewable energy remains strong, despite the decline in oil and gas prices, say analysts at HSBC.

  • Wheb Partners makes two acquisitions

    21 April 2015

    The private equity arm of sustainable investment firm Wheb Group has bought two companies involved in the production of carbon fibre materials.

  • JLEN eyes share offer to pay down debt

    21 April 2015

    John Laing Environmental Assets Group (JLEN) is set to become the latest in a string of UK renewables funds to issue equity.

  • US private equity firm plans green bond to fund acquisition

    20 April 2015

    Private equity firm Centerbridge Partners is planning to issue a green bond to part-fund its acquisition of Senvion.