
  • Central banks face tough questions to balance climate work and inflation, NGFS says

    12 July 2024

    Plans by central banks to escalate monetary policy measures to tackle climate-related financial risks may have to be revisited to consider their utility in the current raised interest rate environment, according to the Network for Greening the Financial System (NGFS).

  • Downing to look at shunt reactors for renewables diversification

    09 July 2024

    Downing Renewables and Infrastructure Trust (DORE) is looking to 'shunt reactors' to diversify its renewables portfolio, Environmental Finance understands.

  • Environmental Finance launches 2024 ESG Data Guide

    09 July 2024

    Environmental Finance has launched this year's ESG Data Guide, featuring some of the industry's leading ESG data providers and most innovative solutions.

  • Public sector disclosure standards will help national transition planning, says IPSASB chair

    08 July 2024

    Public sector climate-related disclosure standards analogous to those by the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) are expected to help countries prepare transition plans, the chair of the body developing them says.

  • People Moves, 8 July: Lloyds, Bridges, IFRS, ESG Book, Permira ... and more

    08 July 2024
  • The 'horse has bolted': Challenge to CSDDD & CSRD likely to fail, say observers

    05 July 2024

    A proposal by EU parliamentarians to delay and weaken reporting requirements under landmark EU sustainability regulations has been dismissed as "political gesturing" and is likely to fail, according to observers.

  • Loan round-up: Inghams, Energuate, Zunder and more

    04 July 2024
  • Swathes of world's largest companies 'way off' meeting CSDDD

    02 July 2024

    About 80% of the world's largest companies fail to meet any key elements of human rights due diligence, illustrating the urgent need for guidance as most of these companies brace for incoming EU regulation, according to a ranking of companies.

  • Nature risk tool ENCORE launches 'major' upgrade

    02 July 2024

    UN-backed nature risk assessment tool ENCORE has undergone a 'major' upgrade to support reporting in line with the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD).

  • CA100+ loses support from two more US asset managers

    01 July 2024

    US-based AllianceBernstein and Allspring have become the latest asset managers to quit the Climate Action 100+.