
  • Fast and loose fund names could undermine impact investing - ISS ESG

    27 August 2021

    A "lack of discipline" by fund managers applying the term 'impact investing' to sustainability-themed listed equities strategies could undermine the credibility of the impact market, according to a note by data provider ISS ESG.

  • Investors use 'up to 100,000 pieces of data' to show EU taxonomy alignment

    14 July 2021

    The sustainability reporting burden imposed by regulation could be lessened in coming years with the development of a free-to-use European database, an Environmental Finance webinar heard. Michael Hurley reports

  • People moves, 4 June: NGFS, BoE, SEB, Redington ... and more

    04 June 2021
  • News round-up: Handelsbanken launches core PAB funds, Glass Lewis backs ExxonMobil board dissent ... and more

    21 May 2021
  • Handelsbanken shifts €12.5bn in assets to Paris-aligned benchmark funds

    21 May 2021
  • People Moves 14 May 2021: SMBC, NTAM, SEB, Credit Suisse, L&G, ISS ESG and more

    14 May 2021
  • 'Transition' firms preferring sustainability-linked over transition bonds

    12 April 2021

    Sustainability-linked bonds are proving more popular for carbon-intensive issuers than transition bonds, and experts are worried the 'transition' label is adding unnecessary confusion in the market. Ahren Lester and Christopher Marchant report

  • News Round Up: Amundi; ISS ESG; GAM; Osmosis, Aviva, Astia, and more

    08 February 2021
  • Equity index launched focusing on plastic waste action leaders

    08 February 2021
  • Why are data providers flocking to impact? Part one: ISS ESG

    08 February 2021

    How does ISS ESG help investors measure and report their impact, Michael Hurley asks