
  • The race is on to electrify corporate fleets

    03 December 2020

    Electrification increasingly makes economic sense for fleets of corporate vehicles, says Mary Jane McQuillen

  • Impact investors should aim for explicit integration of human rights - report

    18 August 2020

    Human rights should be more explicitly integrated in the investment decision-making process of impact investment funds, according to a report prepared for the European Parliament.

  • 'Silence is deafening' by corporates on deforestation, says CDP

    16 July 2019

    As many as 70% of large companies are failing to report on their connections to deforestation, according to a report by the CDP, formerly Carbon Disclosure Project. "The silence is deafening when it comes to the corporate response to deforestation," is how Morgan Gillespy, global director of forests at the environmental NGO described the situation.

  • BlackRock-backed blended finance climate fund awarded grant

    10 April 2019

    A grant has been awarded to help develop an ‘unprecedented’ blended finance initiative aiming to scale up investment in emerging market climate infrastructure.

  • BlackRock in public-private venture to mainstream 'climate infrastructure'

    27 September 2018

    BlackRock, with $6.3 trillion assets under management, has joined a group of public and private sector funders in an initiative which seeks to mainstream 'climate infrastructure' in emerging markets.

  • EF BRIEFS: Ikea, Quercus, South Pole Group

    18 January 2017

    Swedish furniture company Ikea said it will not invest any of its £524 million ($638.8 million) green energy fund in the UK, as government policies have made it 'difficult'.

  • KfW more than doubles 2016 total with $1.5bn green bond

    23 November 2016

    German development bank KfW has more than doubled its 2016 green bond issuance total with a $1.5 billion issue.

  • New investor coalition will pressurise firms to use clean energy

    26 November 2015

    An investor coalition is set to be launched to push companies to source clean energy to power their operations, Environmental Finance can reveal.

  • French renewables firm secures €100m in private equity financing

    12 October 2015

    Paris-based Eren Renewable Energy has secured approximately €100 million in equity financing from a consortium of four investors.

  • Ikea makes its biggest wind acquisition, more planned

    18 November 2014

    Ikea has made its biggest wind energy investment to date, and says it plans more over the coming year.