
  • Expect more 'social' talk from US bond fund managers in 2023, says Impax AM

    20 February 2023

    Impax Asset Management (Impax AM) said US bond fund managers are expected to focus more on 'social' finance in 2023, after the US government-owned mortgage agencies launched 'social scores' for their huge mortgage-backed securities programmes.

  • Impax grew assets by 6.4% in Q4

    10 January 2023
  • A stewardship code for the EU?

    08 December 2022

    Regulation will boost fund naming consistency and disclosures but more work is needed to ensure EU rules impact the real economy, speakers told a webinar hosted by Environmental Finance. Michael Hurley reports

  • Impax CEO: the best is yet to come despite volatile 2022

    30 November 2022

    Impax Asset Management's CEO has shrugged off a fall in assets in its full year results, arguing that "the best is yet to come" as the shift to a net-zero economy gathers pace.

  • Impax: Water to bubble under at COP27

    25 October 2022

    Tackling water shortages will be a prominent theme of COP27, even if it is not part of the final agreement, Impax's Chris Dodwell tells Genevieve Redgrave

  • Honesty on transition challenges, failures is 'antithesis' of greenwashing

    24 October 2022

    Being honest around what has led to failures to achieve transition targets is the "antithesis of greenwashing" but remains relatively uncommon among corporates at present, according to Impax Asset Management (AM).

  • The Future of ESG Data Conference: Highlights

    20 October 2022

    Environmental Finance's in-person conference on The Future of ESG Data this week highlighted the numerous challenges that are being addressed in the space, as related regulatory and market developments unfold at record pace

  • Corporate transition plans need CFRF 'climate dashboard' equivalent

    19 October 2022

    Corporate transition plan reporting would benefit from a 'climate disclosure dashboard' similar to that developed by the Climate Financial Risk Forum (CFRF) for financial institutions, according to Impax Asset Management (AM).

  • Water funds see returns sink

    10 October 2022

    Almost all European or Asian water funds posted negative returns over the past year, writes Thomas Cox

  • People Moves 23 September: HSBC, Impax, LGIM ... and more

    23 September 2022