
  • Promises, promises ... asset managers and net zero - part two

    14 October 2021

    The second part of this feature explores the power of engagement and why some investors do not want to sign up to the Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative. Thomas Cox reports

  • Can COP26 keep 1.5°C in sight?

    07 September 2021

    All eyes will be on Glasgow in November to see whether hopes of limiting warming to 1.5°C can be kept alive. Peter Cripps reports

  • People Moves 20th August: Imperial College, Fidelis, Impax and more

    20 August 2021
  • Bremner joins Impax

    20 August 2021
  • News round-up: Impax, NZAOA, Credit Suisse and Aviva

    28 May 2021
  • Impax AUM doubles year-on-year to £30bn

    28 May 2021
  • News round-up: GRI, SASB standards 'complementary', BoA boosts ESG financing target, Impax reaches assets milestone ... and more

    09 April 2021
  • Impax assets hit £30bn milestone

    09 April 2021
  • News round-up: Linedata, Peloton, Impax, UBS, and more

    17 March 2021
  • Impax awarded climate mitigation mandate from Cbus

    17 March 2021