
  • ICE to launch 'nature-based' carbon credit futures contract

    05 November 2021

    Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) is set to launch its first 'nature-based solutions' carbon credit futures contract, in the latest sign of the growing investor interest in products that claim to have a positive impact on nature.

  • ICE launches social impact data scores for muni bonds

    13 August 2021

    Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) and data provider risQ have launched a data service to allow users to understand and score the potential social impact of US municipal bonds

  • News round-up: Global Investor Statement, ICE and CoE Pensions

    10 June 2021
  • News round-up: LGIM launches transition fund, ICE to host UK ETS, Vestas takes CIP stake ... and more

    18 December 2020
  • Climate Exchange veterans eye new environmental contracts

    14 December 2017

    A suite of new environmental contracts is planned for launch on the European Energy Exchange (EEX), supported by senior executives of the former Climate Exchange.

  • Sandor reflects on development of environmental markets

    22 February 2017

    Richard Sandor, a pioneer of environmental markets, has published a collection of articles recounting the development of carbon trading in the US, Europe and China and similar markets for combatting acid rain and improving water quality.

  • Carbon markets face fresh uncertainty

    13 December 2016

    Political changes in the UK and US have reversed recent progress towards greater clarity in the world's largest carbon markets, says Graham Cooper

  • CTX hires carbon markets pioneer Michael Walsh

    16 September 2015

    Michael Walsh, co-founder of the pioneering Chicago Climate Exchange, has been appointed managing director, public policy & research, at the Carbon Trade Exchange.

  • Environmental Markets acquires CTX European operations

    29 May 2015

    European Environmental Markets (EEM), a London-based company set up in February, is to take over the European operations of Carbon Trade Exchange (CTX).