
  • Stimulating green finance in Africa

    14 March 2018

    African countries have the potential to achieve their sustainability objectives through innovative funding of climate-change projects, including green bonds, say Mindy Hauman and Tallat Hussain

  • Emerging market banks moving fast on sustainable finance, says IFC

    27 February 2018

    Banks in many emerging markets have made rapid progress in promoting 'sustainable finance' initiatives, by leapfrogging some more mature economies, according to the International Finance Corporation (IFC).

  • People moves: ICMA, JP Morgan and BIG

    09 February 2018

    The International Finance Corporation's (IFC) Esohe Denise Odaro has taken a secondment at the International Capital Markets Association (ICMA), where she is director in the Green Bond Principles/Social Bond Principles (GBP/SBP) secretariat.

  • Folksam buys more green bonds and doubles investment target

    13 September 2017

    Sweden's Folksam has acquired $350 million of green bonds from the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the private sector arm of the World Bank.

  • IFC discloses details of first green 'Kauri' bond

    27 July 2017

    The first green bond from the International Finance Corporation (IFC) to be denominated in New Zealand dollars will be a ten-year issue for a minimum of NZD100 million ($75 million), the issuer said.

  • Green bond round-up, 19 July 2017

    19 July 2017

    Brookfield Renewable Partners, a Canadian clean energy company, has issued its inaugural green bond, raising $475 milllion.

  • Sustainable Forestry 2017: IFC Forests Bond

    30 June 2017

    Preventing deforestation can yield numerous social as well as environmental benefits. Many governments have therefore taken action to protect their forests, but it is widely acknowledged that their efforts are inadequate and that substantial private finance will be required.

  • Consortium plans to build on the success of IFC forest bond

    22 June 2017

    Three international organisations have come together to encourage the use of innovative private sector finance to combat deforestation.

  • Kenya launches green bond programme

    04 April 2017

    Kenya has launched a green bond programme with an eye to see the country's first issue by November. The programme's objective is to grow capacity for green bond issuance in the country, establish a framework and standards, develop licensed verifiers and look to catalyse similar programmes across East Africa.

  • Green bond roundup - 29 March 2017

    29 March 2017

    The Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA) has issued a AUD650 million ($495 million) green bond, its inaugural offering.