
  • People Moves, 3 May: ING, JP Morgan Asset Management, Aviva, Impax, NEST ... and more

    03 May 2024
  • Google chosen to develop free ESG data platform

    26 July 2023

    A consortium including a subsidiary of tech giant Google has been selected to build a free-to-use platform for climate data.

  • More than 90 investors demand removal of climate disclosure opt-out in CSRD

    07 July 2023

    A group of 93 investors and other financial institutions has signed a letter urging the European Commission to remove a proposed opt-out in corporate disclosure rules for aspects including greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

  • Absolute versus intensity targets. Part two

    15 June 2023

    Investors often leave companies to decide which type of target is most appropriate for their business. Genevieve Redgrave reports

  • Absolute versus intensity targets

    14 June 2023

    Investors are increasingly calling for companies to adopt absolute emissions reductions targets, but intensity targets continue to dominate, at least for now. Genevieve Redgrave reports

  • Aegon defends ESRS materiality assessments

    13 June 2023

    Aegon has defended the proposed introduction of a requirement for companies to assess for themselves which sustainability-related information they must disclose under EU rules.

  • CA100+ needs to stop members working against each other, say investors

    17 May 2023

    The Climate Action 100+ (CA100+) collaborative engagement initiative needs to stop its members working against each other, investors have told Environmental Finance.

  • CA100+ investors to back shareholder resolution at Shell

    09 May 2023

    Shareholders at oil giant Shell have announced plans to back a shareholder resolution at its upcoming annual general meeting pressuring the company to address climate risks.

  • GAM: Bank, insurer green bond focus 'amplifies' investment impact

    24 April 2023

    The Swiss asset manager has been "positively surprised" by the financial institution response to engagement by its ground-breaking green bond fund, Ahren Lester reports

  • Sustainability-linked targets could add 'discipline' in green bond markets

    12 April 2023

    Using sustainability-linked targets in green bonds could provide the "missing" element to promote more discipline and tackle greenwashing, according to Atlanticomnium.