
  • Green bond round-up, 14 February 2018

    14 February 2018

    National Australia Bank (NAB) has issued the country's first residential mortgage-backed security (RMBS) that includes a green tranche certified by the Climate Bonds Initiative (CBI).

  • Green Bond market hits $200bn

    17 February 2017

    The green bond market has raised more than $200 billion, according to data from Environmental Finance's Green Bond Database.

  • Green bond comment January: Vive la France

    01 February 2017

    The green bond market has made a strong start to 2017, with some $10.5 billion of issues having settled in January. This compares with $7.8 billion in January the previous year, according to figures from Environmental Finance's green bond database.

  • Buffett's MidAmerican taps green bond market

    27 January 2017

    MidAmerican Energy has issued an $850 million green bond - the first from a company in Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway group.

  • EF BRIEFS: Moringa, MidAmerican Energy, JLEN

    31 August 2016

    Moringa, a European agro-forestry fund, has bought an equity stake in TexBel, a Belizean company specialising in the production of coconut water and citrus fruits.

  • MidAmerican boosts investments in Iowa wind projects to $6bn

    13 October 2014

    MidAmerican Energy is to commit an additional $280 million to two wind farms in Iowa, taking its total investment in wind energy in the state above $6 billion.

  • Google agrees its largest renewables deal

    25 April 2014

    Google has agreed its largest ever purchase of renewable energy, buying up to 407MW of wind power from MidAmerican Energy Holdings.

  • MidAmerican increases bond issue to $1bn, reports say

    24 June 2013

    Warren Buffett's MidAmerican Energy has issued a $1 billion bond to finance a solar project in California, according to reports, substantially more than it had planned to raise.