
  • TPI reveals food companies not aligned with 1.5°C

    09 December 2022

    The medium-term greenhouse gas emissions targets of food producer giants Kraft Heinz and Mondelez are not aligned with a pathway...

  • News Round Up: Canada backs land fund, Alquity secures investment, TRIG buys into Beatrice ... and more

    15 January 2021
  • 'Silence is deafening' by corporates on deforestation, says CDP

    16 July 2019

    As many as 70% of large companies are failing to report on their connections to deforestation, according to a report by the CDP, formerly Carbon Disclosure Project. "The silence is deafening when it comes to the corporate response to deforestation," is how Morgan Gillespy, global director of forests at the environmental NGO described the situation.

  • US consumer goods sector must up its low-carbon game, CDP says

    25 February 2019

    Major US companies in the fast-moving consumer goods sector, including Kraft Heinz, Estée Lauder and P&G, must up their game or risk falling foul of changing consumer demands and increased environmental regulation.

  • Shareholders are increasingly using their muscle on deforestation

    03 August 2017

    Most shareholder resolutions on deforestation led to some form of commitment from the company to address the problem, research has found.