
  • US banks lament data gaps in first Fed climate scenario analysis

    10 May 2024

    The Federal Reserve's first climate scenario analysis of the country's six largest banks exposed widespread data gaps that threaten to undermine the accurate assessment of climate-related risks.

  • Church of England to back climate disclosure shareholder proposals for US banks

    09 April 2024

    The Church of England Pensions Board will vote in favour of measures that could force several US banks, including Bank of America, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley, to disclose the level of their fossil fuel financing relative to that for clean energy.

  • Mediolanum adds two 'multi-manager' ESG funds

    19 March 2024
  • Sustainable funds outperformed traditional funds in 2023 by 'almost 50%', Morgan Stanley finds

    01 March 2024
  • IIGCC to step up pressure on banks to demonstrate action on net zero

    06 June 2023

    A group representing investors with €65 trillion ($70 trillion) in assets under management has published a set of expectations for banks, as they push for more details on how banks will act on pledges to achieve net zero emissions.

  • Engage countries on economic freedoms to bring ESG benefits, says MSIM

    23 May 2023

    Investors are "less credible" when engaging with policymakers on ESG, and should focus instead on improving economic freedom, Morgan Stanley Investment Management (MSIM) told Environmental Finance.

  • Morgan Stanley seals $500m first close for climate private equity fund

    18 May 2023
  • Morgan Stanley invests in Indian agriculture supply chain manager

    21 February 2023
  • ERAFP hands SRI bond mandates to Axa IM, MSIM

    05 January 2023
  • Six US banks to pilot Fed-led climate scenario analysis

    30 September 2022

    The US Federal Reserve has revealed that six of the largest US banks are to participate in a pilot exercise to study their ability to manage climate-related financial risks, in a significant development for the financial stability supervision framework in the world's largest economy.