
  • NYC funds file diversity disclosure proposal at NextEra Energy

    16 May 2022
  • 10 US asset managers emit 3bn oil barrels a year

    16 December 2021

    The annual financed emissions of 10 of the largest US asset managers are equivalent of three billion oil barrels, a report has said,...

  • COP26 outcome suggests private finance left to pick up climate slack

    15 November 2021

    The final text of the climate agreement by countries at the UN climate summit in Glasgow represents only incremental progress on previous conferences and leaves considerable slack for private finance to pick up on the path to net zero, according to commentators.

  • Ground-breaking BlackRock public-private EM climate fund exceeds target

    02 November 2021

    BlackRock has announced its flagship public-private financing Emerging Market (EM) climate infrastructure investment fund has raised more than $670 million...

  • Tokyu Fudosan issues sustainability-linked bond amid ground-breaking ESG finance plan

    06 October 2021

    Japanese real estate firm Tokyu Fudosan has raised JPY10 billion ($90 million) from a sustainability-linked bond...

  • New York Fed climate stress test demonstrates 'substantial' risk for banks

    28 September 2021

    Researchers at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York have published a transition risk-focused climate stress test metric for banks, which demonstrated climate risk was "economically substantial" for some lenders during the 2020 energy crisis.

  • $9trn PRI-led investor group demands extending scope of EU's CSRD

    24 September 2021

    A $9 trillion group of 54 investors led by the Principles of Responsible Investment (PRI) has asked legislators to extend the scope of the EU Commission's proposed Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) to include non-listed small and medium-sized enterprises from 'high risk sectors'.

  • Morgan Stanley: five takeaways for investors from UN biodiversity plan

    15 July 2021

    Morgan Stanley has revealed the implications of the UN's draft biodiversity plan for investors of targets...

  • 13% of EU funds have already classified themselves as 'sustainable' under SFDR

    18 June 2021

    13% of EU-domiciled funds have initially classified themselves as 'sustainable' under the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation...

  • Banks with $29trn in assets pledge to set 2050 'net zero' targets

    21 April 2021

    A group of banks with about $28.5 trillion in assets has joined a UN-convened 'Net Zero Banking Alliance', and in doing so pledged to "align operational and attributable emissions from their portfolios with pathways to net-zero by 2050 or sooner".