
  • Equity index launched focusing on plastic waste action leaders

    08 February 2021
  • TPG Rise joins Fidelity in $150m electric bike fundraise

    05 February 2021

    TPG Rise, Fidelity and Morgan Stanley's Counterpoint Global have purchased a minority stake in US-based electric bike manufacturer Rad Power Bikes in a $150 million fundraising round.

  • Global banks supply $800m a day to plastics supply chain

    07 January 2021

    The amount of money that banks have pumped into the global plastics supply chain has been tracked in a new report

  • News Round Up: Morgan Stanley on the future of food, SUSI invests in energy efficiency, Climate Policy Radar founded

    06 January 2021
  • News Round Up: JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley, US Department of Labor, and more

    14 December 2020
  • PCAF launches standard for global emissions

    19 November 2020

    The Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials (PCAF) has launched a methodology which intends to enable banks to measure and disclose the emissions associated with their financed activities.

  • No one-size-fits-all approach for financing climate transition, says Morgan Stanley

    06 November 2020

    Ahead of Environmental Finance's ESG in Fixed Income Europe 2020 virtual conference next week, speakers reflect on the balance between purity and pragmatism when financing climate transition strategies

  • Boston Common: Differing methodologies for bank sustainable financing 'unnecessary competition'

    12 October 2020

    Boston Common Asset Management (BCAM) has criticised the increasing number of methodologies used to assess how a bank's sustainable financing commitments impact its portfolio, as a distraction from core climate goals.

  • ESG news round-up: Calvert joins Morgan Stanley; CofE drops ExxonMobil; HSBC in net-zero pledge

    09 October 2020
  • JP Morgan Chase makes 'Paris-aligned' financing commitment

    07 October 2020

    JP Morgan Chase - which was recently revealed to be the biggest financier of fossil fuels - has pledged to align its financing with the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement, although one NGO criticised the commitment as "vague".