
  • NWB Bank issues largest SSA green bond of the year

    27 August 2015

    Dutch public sector lender Nederlandse WaterschapsBank (NWB) has issued a €1 billion ($1.13 billion) green bond – the largest euro-denominated transaction of this kind to come out of a supranational, sub-sovereign and agency (SSA) this year.

  • Green bond market "to grow by $100bn this year", after smashing records in 2014

    14 January 2015

    The green bond market more than tripled in 2014, according to figures from the Climate Bonds Iniative (CBI), which has maintained its prediction that it will see a further $100 billion of issues this year.

  • A review of the green bond market in 2014

    18 December 2014

    The green bond market trebled in size in 2014 - but who were the big winners and can the breakneck speed of expansion continue, asks Peter Cripps

  • SEB remains top green bond underwriter in Q2, but HSBC and Natixis make gains

    20 August 2014

    SEB retained its place as the leading green bond underwriter in the second quarter of 2014, while HSBC and Natixis surged up the rankings helped by some blockbuster issues.