
  • 90 steps forward, two steps back

    17 August 2016

    With the flagship markets of the EU and California in difficulties, advocates of carbon trading are pinning their hopes on a slew of new markets, particularly China and Canada. Graham Cooper reports

  • China's emissions market 'to target six sectors'

    11 February 2015

    China's national emissions trading system (ETS), will initially cover six industry sectors: power generation; steel, non-ferrous metals; building materials; chemicals; and aviation, according to a senior government official.

  • China prepares to roll out seventh carbon trading scheme

    06 June 2014

    The seventh of China's carbon trading pilot schemes will begin next week, in the city of Chongqing.

  • China to introduce carbon tax alongside emissions trading - IETA

    24 September 2013

    Chinese industry is likely to face a carbon tax as well as a national emissions trading system (ETS) from 2016, according to the International Emissions Trading Association (IETA).