
  • People Moves, 3 May: ING, JP Morgan Asset Management, Aviva, Impax, NEST ... and more

    03 May 2024
  • Nestlé faces healthy food resolution

    15 April 2024
  • People Moves, 1 March: South Pole, PRI, Blue Earth Capital, United Bankers ... and more

    01 March 2024
  • Nest selects LOIM to build £5bn 'thematic equity' fund

    21 February 2024

    Lombard Odier Investment Managers (LOIM) has been appointed to manage a "thematic equity mandate" that will be a default investment of rapidly growing UK pension fund Nest.

  • Altor leads €145m funding round in clean energy tech business, Aira

    16 January 2024
  • UK's biodiversity legislation could be replicated, says Gresham House

    18 October 2023

    The UK's 'biodiversity net gain' methodology could be replicated, Gresham House predicted, but it will not be the "silver bullet" for biodiversity many expect it to be.

  • The Future of ESG Data conference: 'Biodiversity disclosures without targets are meaningless', says Nestle

    17 October 2023

    Disclosing on biodiversity without setting adequate targets and plans in conjunction is "meaningless" and unlikely to lead to progress, Nestle has said.

  • 190 investors sign up to collaborative engagement on nature

    26 September 2023

    190 institutional investors have signed up to collaborate to pressure 100 companies to address their negative impacts on nature, on the launch of Nature Action 100 (NA100) at Environmental Finance's Natural Capital Americas conference.

  • UK pensions reforms to unlock billions for climate investments, CIOs say

    11 July 2023

    Nine of the UK's largest pension schemes have signed up to a voluntary initiative to boost investment in unlisted equities, which CIOs have said could catalyse big investments in areas including climate-related technologies.

  • 'It will help us have more honest conversations'

    27 June 2023

    Investors welcome the IFRS sustainability standards and say, by boosting comparability, they will aid engagement. Michael Hurley reports