
  • Central banks face tough questions to balance climate work and inflation, NGFS says

    12 July 2024

    Plans by central banks to escalate monetary policy measures to tackle climate-related financial risks may have to be revisited to consider their utility in the current raised interest rate environment, according to the Network for Greening the Financial System (NGFS).

  • People Moves, 8 July: Lloyds, Bridges, IFRS, ESG Book, Permira ... and more

    08 July 2024
  • NGFS encourages central banks to model 'worst-case' climate impacts

    19 June 2024

    The Network for Greening the Financial System (NGFS) has encouraged central banks to disclose the results of analysis exploring the worst-case scenario for climate-related physical and transition risks.

  • Investors 'need direction from policymakers' on transition

    21 May 2024

    Policymakers have been urged to provide clear transition pathways and identify a "most likely scenario" to help investors develop their own transition plans.

  • NGFS publishes recommendations on sustainable investment for central banks

    16 May 2024
  • Global guidance on transition plans would be welcome, NGFS says

    19 April 2024
  • Users may need to tweak our climate scenarios, says NGFS

    24 January 2024

    Users of models to project the impacts of climate "should determine and be prepared to justify" which scenarios best suit their needs, the Network for Greening the Financial System (NGFS) has said.

  • People Moves, 19 January: Finnfund, Palatine, HSBC, Barclays ... and more

    19 January 2024
  • German central bank's Mauderer to lead NGFS

    16 January 2024
  • Bank of Japan warns of climate risk 'spillover' across industries from rise in carbon prices

    22 December 2023

    Climate transition risks spurred by rising carbon prices could have damaging and widespread "spillover" effects across the Japanese economy - including to regional banks not substantially exposed to the worst-hit sectors, the Japanese central bank has warned.