
  • "Inflection point" reached on biodiversity in bond markets

    07 June 2024

    Improving data and capacity mean biodiversity within fixed income markets has hit an "exciting inflection point" but warned issuance might remain limited, Morningstar Sustainalytics told delegates at an Environmental Finance conference.

  • Caution urged over reliance on blue, orange bond labels

    06 June 2024

    While sub-labels are helpful for "signalling" purposes, the market should "caution against" separating blue and orange bonds from the wider green bond label, delegates at the Environmental Finance Sustainable Debt Asia 2024 conference heard.

  • Hungary mulling transition bond following Japan's success

    17 April 2024

    Hungary is considering issuing a transition bond, after the success of Japan's trailblazing sovereign issue opened the possibility of other sovereigns adopting the label, delegates at Environmental Finance's Sustainable Debt EMEA conference heard.

  • Iceland: 'It is likely we will be a regular sustainable bond issuer'

    20 March 2024

    Strong response to long-awaited inaugural green bond opens door to more issuance from the Nordic sovereign. Ahren Lester reports

  • Iceland raises €750m from sovereign green bond debut

    14 March 2024

    Iceland has raised €750 million ($820 million) from its inaugural sovereign green bond, with the debut deal more than nine times oversubscribed.

  • Investors push TD Bank for more detailed transition plan

    06 February 2024
  • People moves 10 November including USS, Nuveen, MUFG, Natixis IM, and more

    10 November 2023
  • Japan's 'green transformation' bond: A test case for transition finance

    31 October 2023

    The Japanese government's inaugural transition bond is expected to include controversial technologies. Michael Hurley reports

  • Green bond conversions are 'extreme case of lack of additionality'

    09 May 2023

    The conversion of historic bonds to 'green' format is "problematic" for the market, as it represents an "extreme case" of lack of additionality, according to Nomura.

  • Goldman Sachs AM wants firms to tackle controversies with social bonds

    18 April 2023

    Goldman Sachs Asset Management (GSAM) would like to see companies use social bonds to tackle controversies in their supply chains, an executive has said.