
  • NBIM makes biodiversity a stewardship priority

    18 August 2021

    Norges Bank Investment Management (NBIM) has warned companies it invests in to integrate biodiversity into their strategies...

  • Climate risk-based divestments boosted equity returns, says NBIM

    12 August 2021

    The manager of the giant Norwegian sovereign wealth fund said its equity fund performance has benefitted from a cumulative 0.27% outperformance since 2012 due to divestments based on financial climate risk assessments

  • NBIM: Norwegian oil fund 'should not move to climate index'

    05 July 2021

    The Norwegian Government Pension Fund Global (GPFG) should not replace its stock index with a climate benchmark, its manager has recommended.

  • Norwegian pension fund could lose up to $190bn from low carbon transition

    02 July 2021
  • US climate disclosure tussle develops over SEC filings role

    21 June 2021

    A tussle is developing over whether mandatory climate disclosures in the US should feature in the closely scrutinised annual regulatory filings or as a separate document, with some major firms opposing inclusion in annual filings but some significant investors backing such a move.

  • NBIM tells US SEC: give us better disclosure on sustainability, not just climate

    16 June 2021

    The world's biggest sovereign wealth fund has responded to a consultation by the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on climate reporting, by demanding better disclosure of all material sustainability issues.

  • News round-up: NBIM and SEC

    15 June 2021
  • NBIM calls for more detail in CSRC ESG disclosures

    15 June 2021
  • News round-up: GRI, SASB standards 'complementary', BoA boosts ESG financing target, Impax reaches assets milestone ... and more

    09 April 2021
  • NBIM plans greater engagement and collaboration on sustainability

    09 April 2021