
  • NBIM divests from 29 companies over labour conditions

    03 March 2022

    The manager of the giant Norwegian sovereign wealth fund touted the positive return it has gained from 'risk-based' divestments, as it detailed a raft of company exclusions on human rights, biodiversity and coal in 2021.

  • NBIM: CDSB reporting 'unlikely to be comparable'

    19 January 2022
  • Real estate decarbonisation standard under construction

    18 January 2022

    A global standard for the real estate sector to set 'science-based' targets that help restrict global temperature rise to 1.5°C is set for release in April, it has been revealed.

  • GPFG will not set a net-zero goal

    21 December 2021

    Norway's sovereign wealth fund will not commit to a specific net-zero emissions target for its whole portfolio, only aiming to decarbonise in the "long-term", as its manager prioritises achieving returns.

  • NBIM refuses to name companies screened for sustainability risks

    16 December 2021

    The manager of the giant Norwegian sovereign wealth fund has refused to name the nine companies it has refrained from investing in based on their "sustainability risk"...

  • Norwegian oil fund exits four traditional Chinese medicine firms

    01 October 2021

    The giant Norwegian oil fund has excluded four traditional Chinese medicine firms from investment due to the "unacceptable risk" that they cause "serious" environmental damage through their use of body parts of threatened species.

  • EU social taxonomy: 'Time for investors to treat social & environmental factors equally'

    02 September 2021

    Investors and non-profits have cautiously welcomed proposals for a European taxonomy of social economic activities but warned the bloc may struggle to identify criteria to judge the activities.

  • NBIM says it does not support routine 'say on climate'

    31 August 2021

    The manager of the world's largest sovereign wealth fund says it does not "in general" support a shareholder vote on companies' climate plans on a regular basis.

  • Zero emissions proposal for GPFG is 'very significant'

    23 August 2021

    An expert group's recommendation for Norway's sovereign wealth fund to target zero emissions by 2050 for its portfolio is potentially of great significance, an OECD economist has said.

  • NBIM makes biodiversity a stewardship priority

    18 August 2021

    Norges Bank Investment Management (NBIM) has warned companies it invests in to integrate biodiversity into their strategies...