
  • People Moves, 24 May: LeapFrog, Osmosis, Regnan and Downing

    24 May 2024
  • People Moves, 16 February: EIB, Osmosis, Macquarie, Eurosif, Mirova ... and more

    16 February 2024
  • People Moves, 15 December: PRI, NatureMetrics, Sweef Capital, Ananda Impact ... and more

    15 December 2023
  • Nikko AM acquires minority stake in Osmosis

    07 November 2023
  • PKA ploughs $1bn into total return swaps based on Osmosis index

    01 November 2023
  • Scope 3 data: imprecise and sometimes plain wrong

    18 October 2023

    Estimates are being used to fill in holes and inaccuracies in corporate disclosures, while there are hopes satellite data will provide clarity, The Future of ESG Data heard

  • The Future of ESG Data conference: Scope 3 emissions double counting 'not much of an issue'

    17 October 2023

    'Double counting' of emissions in Scope 3 calculations is "not much of an issue" and can actually be an "important" factor in carbon risk management, market experts told an Environmental Finance event.

  • Osmosis 'ex-fossil fuels' fund seeded by duo of university endowments

    12 October 2023
  • Nikko AM takes minority stake in Osmosis IM

    10 July 2023
  • Osmosis: Waste efficiency 'can be alpha source'

    29 July 2022

    Corporate waste efficiency has "never been so important" to the net income of a company due to global inflation, an analyst at UK-headquartered Osmosis Investment Management has said.