
  • 'Disturbing' climate absence in shareholder proposals

    12 May 2022

    Only 2% of shareholder proposals in 2021 related to the environment, with the vast majority based on governance, according to analysis by non-profit Planet Tracker.

  • Report calls for Brazilian 'deforestation-linked' sovereign bond

    14 July 2021

    Planet Tracker and the Grantham Research Institute have called on Brazil to issue a deforestation-linked sovereign bond...

  • Debt-for-climate swaps 'an opportunity for natural capital investment'

    08 July 2021
  • Textile wet processing companies need to improve environmental disclosures

    22 June 2021

    Poor environmental disclosure by textile wet processing companies prevents investors and lenders from properly pricing ESG risks and opportunities in this sector, argues Catherine Tubb

  • Japanese seafood: sustainable strategies are needed to safeguard the financial health of the industry

    10 June 2021

    François Mosnier explores how the improved sustainability of Japanese seafood companies could drive improved operational and financial performance, as well as safeguarding the future of the industry

  • Planet Tracker identifies deforestation risk behind ETFs

    18 December 2020

    Exchange traded funds (ETFs) from asset managers including BlackRock (iShares), Vanguard and State Street hide entrenched deforestation risk from investors, according to sustainability think tank Planet Tracker.

  • News Round Up: State Street, Bank of America, CFA Institute, and more

    01 December 2020
  • Can a new Plastic Waste Levy push the EU towards a circular economy?

    29 September 2020

    The EU's plastic waste levy is set to begin in January 2021, despite insufficient recycling infrastructure. The plastic industry must adapt and compete, or decline and retreat, argues Gabriel Thoumi

  • 'Blue bonds' could finance fish stock recovery

    24 August 2020

    Planet Tracker has proposed a 'blue bond' could be used to finance the replenishment of fish stocks by subsidising fishing firms to reduce capacity to allow population recovery.

  • AgriFunds urged to improve natural capital risk disclosure

    07 July 2020

    Food and agriculture funds have been urged to improve reporting on nature-related risks, after a report showed major investors in the sector were materially exposed to the financial risks associated with natural capital threats.