
  • Pollination: 'Massive' climate potential in smallholder farmers

    22 May 2023

    Business models that harness the work of smallholder farmers have "massive" potential for reaping economic and carbon benefits, facilitated by technology, an executive at Pollination has said.

  • Pollination pitches tax to scale biodiversity credit market

    02 May 2023

    Governments could impose a tax on corporates that are harming nature, as a way of fostering biodiversity credit markets, Pollination has said.

  • Pollination recommends disclosures to boost biodiversity credits

    20 April 2023
  • NatureVest: Demand for biodiversity credits outstripping supply

    24 March 2023

    Demand from investors and corporates for biodiversity credits is far exceeding the available supply, an executive at NatureVest has said.

  • People Moves 20 January: UBS, Federated Hermes, CalPERS, Prudential, Nordea and more...

    20 January 2023
  • Climate Asset Management raises $650m for natural capital funds

    13 December 2022

    Climate Asset Management (CAM), the joint venture between HSBC and Pollination, has raised $650 million for its two natural capital funds.

  • Investor reaction to COP27: 'No confidence 1.5°C target will be hit'

    21 November 2022

    The outcome of the COP27 agreement is a "step in the right direction", despite its failure to commit to phasing down fossil fuels and an overall lack of ambition, investors said.

  • Axa IM: Agrifood biodiversity problem is 'elephant in the room'

    04 October 2022

    The agricultural supply chain's impact on biodiversity is an obvious problem that is being avoided by financial institutions, which often do not know how to address the issue, an executive at Axa Investment Managers (Axa IM) has said.

  • ISS: Focus on circularity to boost biodiversity

    03 October 2022

    Helping advance the 'circular economy' is one of the most important ways that companies can help protect biodiversity, an executive at ISS ESG has argued.

  • Australia needs policy change to tackle 'critical risks to natural capital', says Pollination

    06 September 2022

    Significant changes in government policy and business practice are required to address Australia's "critical" natural capital risks, Pollination has said.