
  • Loan round-up: CDL, RWE ... and more

    27 June 2024
  • EU GBS 'not overly costly' for leading utility green bond issuers, says IEEFA

    20 June 2024

    Major European utility sector issuers of green bonds should not find it "overly costly" to switch to issuing EU Green Bond Standard (EU GBS)-compliant bonds to use the landmark legislation to demonstrate their "better management of transition risk", according to a think tank.

  • Bond round-up: RWE, NYK Line, KfW ... and more

    17 April 2024
  • RWE issues debut US dollar green bond amid growing issuance plans

    12 April 2024

    German energy firm RWE has raised $2 billion from its first US dollar-denominated green bond, as it prepares to increase its planned bond issuance in European and US markets to finance renewable energy investments.

  • News round-up: G7, TCFD and Monetary Authority of Singapore

    24 May 2021
  • Norway embraces TCFD

    24 May 2021
  • News round-up: US ditches ESG pension fund rules, Axa drops Rwe, Xpansiv launches nature-based carbon offset contracts

    12 March 2021
  • Axa drops RWE as customer

    12 March 2021
  • News round-up - McKinsey, M&G, Tesco, Platts, HanETF, and more

    05 March 2021
  • Bloomberg identifies VW, ArcelorMittal among 'green' recovery picks

    05 March 2021