
  • 'Don't overlook non-EU countries' for EU aligned assets

    17 April 2024

    Raiffeisen Bank International (RBI) has urged issuers to not discount non-EU countries on their assumed quality of sustainability data, an Environmental Finance event heard.

  • Jury still out on transition bond label

    16 April 2024

    Banks disagree on how helpful 'transition' labels for bonds are, an Environmental Finance event heard.

  • Green bonds round-up, 16 January

    16 January 2019

    Italian energy company Enel has returned to the green bond market, with its third such deal, raising €1 billion ($1.1 billion).

  • Austria's Verbund roadshows green bond

    12 November 2014

    Austrian utility Verbund is roadshowing a €500 million ($624 million) green bond in Europe.

  • EIB issues 'landmark' €500m 12-year green bond

    04 September 2014

    The European Investment Bank has launched a "landmark" €500 million green bond, which has a 12-year tenor and could help open the market for longer-dated paper in the space.

  • EIB plans new euro Climate Awareness Bond [updated]

    04 September 2014

    The European Investment Bank (EIB) has issued a new euro-denominated benchmark green bond, this time with a 12-year tenor.