
  • Investors voice 'deep concern' at UK listing rule change that removes voting rights

    11 July 2024

    Investors have voiced "deep concern" at changes to UK listing rules they say threaten the country's position as a leading light on corporate governance and will not deliver the benefits that are claimed.

  • Listing rules change will raise cost of capital for UK business, asset owners warn

    21 June 2024
  • Railpen buys 50% stake in renewables developer

    17 June 2024
  • People Moves, 5 April: Brunel Pensions, Railpen, Actis, EFRAG, TNFD and more

    05 April 2024
  • UK pensions taskforce tells regulators to consider requiring disclosures on social aspects

    08 March 2024
  • FCA appoints two pension funds managers as co-chairs of voting group

    24 January 2024
  • UK presses ahead with listing reform, despite investors' corporate governance warnings

    20 December 2023

    Fresh proposals to overhaul UK listing rules show "little sign that widely held and clearly communicated investor concerns about weakening corporate governance standards have been taken into account," one of the country's largest pension funds has warned.

  • Railpen adds just transition to 2024 voting policy

    13 December 2023
  • Ditching governance reforms 'will diminish attractiveness of UK companies', warns pension fund

    10 November 2023

    The UK regulator's move to ditch reforms to require more sustainability reporting by company board and audit committees will make UK companies less attractive to investors, a senior executive at one of the country's largest pension funds has said.

  • UK told to adopt ISSB in full to encourage 'equivalence' with US, EU disclosures

    01 November 2023

    The UK has been urged to adopt the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) standards in their entirety, in a move that would support efforts to ensure 'equivalence' with US and EU requirements, respondents to a consultation said.