
  • People Moves 16 April: SEC, WBA, KKR, Aberdeen Standard, Rathbones, UOB, GHD, Federated Hermes, Davy, RLAM

    16 April 2021
  • News round-up: Green Investment Group, Nuveen, Rathbones and more

    17 February 2021
  • Rathbones engagement takes aim at modern slavery

    17 February 2021
  • JP Morgan Chase given bloody nose by climate resolution

    20 May 2020

    JP Morgan Chase experienced a significant revolt from investors against its climate change position after nearly half voted in support of a shareholder resolution urging the US bank to align its financing to the Paris Agreement.

  • Ethical bond fund reaches £1bn

    22 November 2017

    Rathbones' Ethical Bond Fund claims to have become the first 'sustainable' fixed income fund to reach £1 billion ($1.3 billion) in assets under management.