
  • Thedéen appointed Basel Committee chair

    15 May 2024
  • Riksbank warns of financial stability risks from 2.8°C-aligned funds

    20 April 2023

    The holdings in 122 listed equities mutual funds in Sweden are, on average, aligned with a temperature increase of 2.77°C, according to analysis by the country's central bank.

  • Swedish central bank corporate bond purchases to require TCFD disclosures

    01 July 2022

    The Swedish central bank will only buy corporate bonds for its asset purchase programme from issuers which have disclosed greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions...

  • Q&A with Sweden's central bank on sustainability and QE

    03 December 2020

    Albina Soultanaeva, deputy head of markets department at Riksbank, answers some questions on its plans to incorporate sustainability considerations into its corporate bond buying programme

  • Big data 'can help assess country ESG risk, and its implications for companies'

    14 August 2020

    Big data can help investors better understand countries' environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks, and the challenges these present to the companies operating within them, said MSCI.

  • Green bond comment December: It's time for a CA100+ for sovereigns

    04 December 2019

    Bond investors need to start collectively engaging with national governments if the Paris targets are to be met, argues Peter Cripps

  • Riksbank divestments ‘open floodgates’ to questions on climate divestment

    14 November 2019

    The Swedish Riksbank’s climate-related divestment from carbon-intensive issuers is set to ramp up the pressure on other investors who hold the bonds, demonstrating the potential influence of central banks on climate change, market observers have said.

  • People Moves: Morgan Stanley Investment Management, AP6, SEB Investment Management, Geneva Association, Robeco and IETA

    08 February 2019

    Vladimir Demine has been promoted to head of environmental, social and governance (ESG) research at Morgan Stanley Investment Management (MSIM).