
  • "Pitfalls" in ESG ratings requires investor caution

    31 January 2020

    Investors should be cautious when using the growing number of environmental, social and governance (ESG) ratings and data providers amid several inherent pitfalls, although valuable insights can still be drawn from them.

  • RobecoSAM to launch strategy targeting circular economy

    31 January 2020

    Sustainability-focused investment company RobecoSAM has launched a strategy for investments that contribute to the circular economy and positively impact the relevant UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

  • BlackRock faces challenge to back up Fink's sustainable statement

    24 January 2020

    "Blackrock has a tendency to make very bold statements—this is one of them," says Robeco CEO

  • S&P Global completes RobecoSAM ratings unit acquisition

    13 January 2020

    S&P Global has completed its acquisition of the environmental, social and governance ratings unit from RobecoSAM for an undisclosed sum.

  • Robeco announces ESG engagement themes for 2020

    07 January 2020

    Dutch asset manager Robeco has announced its Active Ownership team will focus on five environmental, social and governance (ESG) engagement themes in 2020, including biodiversity protection and decarbonisation.

  • Nordic countries continue to dominate RobecoSAM ESG rankings

    31 December 2019

    Nordic countries continue to dominate as the most sustainable countries in the world, whilst the UK and US continued to slide, according to RobecoSAM.

  • S&P swoops on RobecoSAM's ESG ratings business

    21 November 2019

    Financial services giant S&P Global has snapped up RobecoSAM's environmental, social and governance (ESG) ratings business, in the latest example of consolidation in the industry.

  • Can you really make an impact in listed equities?

    21 October 2019

    One of the big debates among impact investors is about whether listed equities investments can really help meet the SDGs. Peter Cripps reports

  • Fossil fuel exclusion proves a slow burn for US insurers

    07 October 2019

    US insurers say they are ready to stop investing in climate-harming coal. But only one has divested from the fossil fuel to date. Could Chubb’s move be the start of a wider transition by US insurers away from fossil fuels or is it empty talk? Sarfraz Thind reports.

  • No oil & gas company aligned with 2°C pathway, says TPI

    18 September 2019

    None of the 50 largest oil and gas companies have aligned their emission intensity with a pathway that would keep global warming to 2°C, as called for in the Paris Agreement on climate change, according to the Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI).